
What is Pyrilene and its use in medicine

**Pyrylene is a drug** belonging to the pharmacological group of ganglion-blocking drugs. It is used to treat various diseases related to the nervous system and blood circulation. In this article we will look in more detail at what Pyrilene is, how it works and where it is used in medicine.

Classification and group of substances ***Pyrylene belongs to the *** group of **anticholinergic drugs** and is a **psychotomimetic agent**, that is, a substance that stimulates the central nervous system. It helps reduce symptoms of paralysis, hysteria and other disorders caused by a lack of neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine.

Pharmacological action of Pyrylene Pyrylene action affects several parts of the nervous system, including the ganglia. These cells are located in nerves and play an important role in the transmission of nerve impulses. Ganglia also contain some neuroglial cells that are involved in neural regulation.

***Gangliovesicular blocking drugs, such as ******Pyrylene, are used as medications to treat certain types of diseases***, such as various types of cancer and spinal cord diseases, heart disease, glaucoma, migraines and other neurological and mental disorders.

```Other uses of anticholinergic drugs include relief of glaucoma and treatment of tremors.```

Thus, Pyrilene is important for the control of many disorders and is widely used in medical