
The pineal gland is a part of the brain; it is a glandular nodule that is located in close proximity to the cortical parts of the temporal lobe. With its help, the perception of the surrounding world expands and the sense of perspective increases. This center is responsible for the sense of balance and coordination of one’s own movements.

Epiphysectomy is an operation that involves removing this formation. It is known that scientists have come to the conclusion that the structure of this center is similar to the structure of the ovary, hence the name. The pineal gland is also responsible for the exchange of hormones. His hyperactivity manifests itself in elevated mood and positive outlook. It can also contribute to the spread of stressful conditions and panic attacks. The subject may feel that he is no longer in control of himself. With age, hormonal control decreases and a person's ability to communicate with others decreases. Depression arises and progresses. Teenagers are at risk. Trying to get rid of the problem in the traditional way will not bring the desired effect, but will only worsen the situation, since the pituitary gland will be forced to secrete more and more hormones. This situation is very difficult to control. And there is only one way out. This is an operation to remove the epiphysis.

However, epifexectomy is a surgical procedure that is very unsafe. It is not suitable for every patient. The doctor must carefully examine the patient and weigh all the pros and cons of such an operation. Any incorrect movement or violation of the rules of conduct can lead to serious complications. Before rehabilitation begins, the patient must be under the supervision of specialists.