Epilepsy Abdominal

Abdominal epilepsy is one of the rare forms of idiopathic generalized epilepsy. The term “abdominal epilepsy” is generally accepted to refer to IGE, since obsessive discharge patterns are one of the main ones in epileptic seizures.

This is a rare type of epilepsy that involves seizures and spasms of the abdominal muscles or other parts of the body. Abdominal epilepsy is also called idiopathic abdominal epilepsy (IAE). This form of epilepsy is characterized by the presence of intestinal attacks, including torsades de pointes. In this case, an epileptic attack is accompanied by a characteristic movement of intestinal peristalsis, which makes a characteristic sound. This can have serious consequences on digestion and even lead to intestinal obstruction. In abdominal epilepsy, the prognosis of the disease is quite favorable, but prevention of such attacks and drug therapy are necessary. If you follow your doctor's recommendations, epilepsy can be controlled and you can live a full life. In some cases, abdominal epilepsy can also lead to chronic episodes of abdominal pain. In addition, difficulties with digestive functions such as constipation or diarrhea may occur. It is important to understand that if you notice such