Epilepsy Cryptogenic

Epilepsy is a serious disease that causes suffering and disability for thousands of people around the world. Epilepsy is especially dangerous for children, because its symptoms can appear at any time, even during sleep. In this material, we will consider the cryptogenic form of epilepsy, which occurs in children and adults and raises many questions and difficulties in diagnosis and treatment. We will talk about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of this condition.

The cryptogenic genesis of the syndrome was first described by the French psychiatrist Pierre Jacob Mand (1932). The very phenomenon of the cryptogenic nature of the disease was introduced into scientific circulation by W. Emery and C. Norcross in 1947. It was thanks to these researchers that a new mental disorder became known, in combination with a predominant 1-2 status epilepticus, due to the presence of concomitant organic pathology in the form of vascular hypertension, focal brain processes, etc. The appearance of CS in humans often precedes the diagnosis of the underlying disease, which is why this syndrome is called “cryptogenic.” Today, cryptogenic forms of epilepsy account for 20% of all epileptic seizures.

According to recent studies, it has been revealed

Epileptic seizures have been known since ancient Greece. Over the centuries, knowledge has accumulated about the many types of seizures and how to prevent them. The first steps have been taken in understanding epilepsy as a disease. But until today there was no reliable way to find out