Epilepsy Myoclonic

Epilepsy is a chronic brain disease that manifests itself in the form of convulsive attacks of varying duration and intensity. Epilepsy can manifest itself in various forms, including epileptic seizure (epileptic seizure), epileptiform syndrome, and idiopathic epilepsy. One of the most common forms of epilepsy is myclonic epilepsy - or simply epilepsy (in the past another name was often used - myoclonic).

Epilepsy is a common reason for patients to visit a neurologist. Early detection and initiation of treatment can significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of epileptic seizures, which improves the patient’s quality of life.

As a rule, epilepsy is diagnosed when classic epileptiphoric seizures occur before the age of 20 years. For specialists, this is a key point for making a correct diagnosis. In some cases, the neurologist is the first doctor who meets a patient with such a diagnosis. However, more often