
Epithelial cells are cells that form the layer of epithelium that covers the surface of the body and internal organs. They perform many functions, including protecting the body from external influences, maintaining homeostasis and participating in metabolism.

Epithelial cells consist of several layers of cells that fit tightly together. The epithelium can be single-layered or multi-layered, depending on its function. Single-layer epithelium consists of one layer of cells, and multilayered epithelium consists of several layers.

The functions of epithelial cells include protection against infections, toxins and other harmful factors, regulation of body temperature, mucus production and other physiological processes. They are also involved in tissue regeneration and the body's immune defense.

Disturbances of the epithelial layer can lead to various diseases, such as ulcers, erosions, tumors and other pathologies. Therefore, the study of epithelial cells is important for understanding the mechanisms of tissue functioning and the development of diseases.

Overall, epithelial cells play an important role in maintaining the health and functioning of the body, and studying them can help develop new methods for treating and preventing disease.

Epithelial cells are cells that make up epithelial tissue and cover the surfaces of internal organs. The epithelium plays an important role in protecting the body from damage, harmful factors and infections. It is also involved in metabolic processes such as the production of hormones, digestive juices and other secretions. Despite their importance, epithelial cells can also cause diseases such as cancer. In this article we will look at the basic properties of epithelial cells, their structure and functions.

Epithelial cells are single-layered or multilayered structures covered with a layer of lipoproteins and glycosaminoglycans. They cover the surface of the mucous membranes, respiratory system,