
Equina (lat. equina) is an infectious disease that is transmitted from sick horses to people and other animals. This is a viral infection that causes pustules to form on the skin, which can develop into scars.

Equina has been known since ancient times and is currently still found in some countries in Africa and Asia. It can lead to serious consequences such as loss of vision, hearing and even death.

The main way equina is transmitted is through contact with infected skin or secretions of a sick animal. It is also possible to become infected through contaminated food, water or objects.

Treatment for equina includes the use of antibiotics and other medications. It is also important to take precautions such as wearing protective clothing, gloves and masks when handling sick animals.

Prevention of eccina includes monitoring the health of animals, maintaining good hygiene when caring for them, and using protective clothing when in contact with infected animals.

Equina is a viral disease that is caused by infection of the papillae of the skin or mucous membranes with horsepox virus. This disease is characterized by a sudden onset and is accompanied by symptoms such as fever, headache, rhinitis, cough, hemorrhages, and macular nodular rash. Treatment of the disease is carried out through the use of