Erdheim's Tumor

Erdheim Tumor: what kind of disease is it and how to diagnose it

Erdheim tumor is a rare disease that was first described by the Austrian pathologist Jacob Erdheim in 1930. This disease is characterized by the abnormal growth of tumor cells in various tissues and organs, including bones, brain, heart, lungs and others.

Symptoms of Erdheim tumor may vary depending on which organs are affected. Common symptoms may include fatigue, weight loss, fever and pain in various parts of the body. If the disease affects the bones, pain, limited movement and twisting of the bones may occur. If the tumor is in the brain, symptoms may include headaches, blurred vision, dizziness and trembling limbs.

Diagnosing Erdheim's tumor can be difficult because the disease is rare and has similar symptoms to other diseases. Diagnosis is usually made based on a computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which can show the presence of a tumor and its location in the body. To confirm the diagnosis, a tumor biopsy may be performed, in which a tissue sample is removed for later testing.

Treatment for Erdheim tumor may include surgical removal of the tumor, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. In some cases, a combination of different treatments may be required. The prognosis depends on how early the diagnosis was made and treatment started, as well as which organs are affected by the tumor.

In conclusion, Erdheim tumor is a rare disease that can affect various organs and tissues in the body. Diagnosis can be difficult, but modern educational methods can accurately identify the tumor. Treatment must be comprehensive and individually selected for each patient. If you suspect Erdheim's tumor, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


Erdheim cancer, the most famous tumor diagnosis of a urologist. The tumor has an extensive clinical picture and a long path of disease development. Treatment trends for EP have decreased as the 5-year survival rate has become 3-year. The patient was taken by surprise with prostate cancer, so at the first symptoms you need to consult a qualified oncologist. Eleos Medical Center is a specialized medical institution located in an ecologically clean corner of the Leninsky district (Crimea).

**Clinical picture.**

Prostate cancer has many symptoms. With the help of this article you can find a general description of the disease, as well as characteristic manifestations. The process begins with an enlarged prostate, which you can only detect when