
Erethism: what is it?

Erethism is a psychophysiological state of rapid response to various stimuli. In clinical practice, erethism can manifest itself in the form of tachycardia, chest pain, increased blood pressure and other physiological changes associated with neurotic symptoms. E


**Eretism** is a neurotic neurosis caused by psychotrauma, “hidden neurosis”, a kind of neurotic anorexia; can take the form of neurotic control over food consumption, addiction to sweets (dysphoric bulimia, characterized by suffering at the sight of large portions and a complete lack of craving for this type of food, repression of the high when overeating, which is reflected in dreams), a symptom of the initial stage of the endogenous process. The eretic state is characterized by a disorder of desires and increased sensitivity to psychogenic influences, sometimes immoderate sexual

The term “erethism” is now commonly understood to mean disorders of the sexual sphere in any of their varieties: be it concerns of a sexual nature, or disorders associated with the sexual sphere of life. In the history of medicine, it is customary to view this term differently: it could mean one of three types of personality disorders - hyperesthesia, mania and manica-phrenia. Moreover, the term was most often used in the 19th century; over time, by the end of the century, it lost its relevance. Psychosexual erethism is a rare disease that manifests itself as hypersexuality. The occurrence of this pathology depends on the excitability of the central nervous system, exhaustion of the nervous system and the state of the endocrine organs.

For the first time, attention to excessive sexual activity in women was drawn to the attention of ancient Greek doctors: Soranus of Ephesus, Alexander and Hippocrates. Already in those days, it was noted that some women, when receiving pleasure, excessively perverted their actions, even to the point of causing harm to themselves. Hippocrates said that such women are unable to cross the line of their nature and change their way of life. Representatives of medicine and the Middle Ages spoke about this anomalous condition, describing that a woman’s higher centers of thinking that control her behavior were disturbed. Accordingly, such a woman should not be judged according to generally accepted rules.

Hypersexuality in men