Erilex Gerba

Erilex Gerba is a dental product that is used to clean the teeth and gums in the mouth. Toothpaste provides professional dental and oral care. In this material we will talk about the manufacturer and quality of Erilex Gerb toothpaste.

The manufacturer of this popular brand is the Slovak company Slovakpharma, which also produces drugs for maintaining health. The range of pastes includes various options - from medicinal to whitening varieties. The company is a fairly popular manufacturer of medicines and oral hygiene products in Slovakia.

The quality of a toothpaste is determined by the composition of the ingredients included in the product. Among the positive properties, one can note the reduction of gingivitis (gum problems), the elimination of bad breath, and the paste that cleanses the teeth and oral cavity well. It is also advisable to use the paste for desensitized teeth. Of course, the cost of funds is average (price as of July 2022). It has an almost transparent consistency, and the paste is medium-grained - a thick film is formed when squeezed out. It is believed that all Slovakofarm products are of high quality, with virtually no added artificial colors, preservatives or flavors. The taste is pleasant, slightly menthol. Usually there is a package of 65-75 ml.