Erythema creeping

Erythema repens, also known as erysipoedosis, is a rare skin condition that appears as red, round, itchy patches on the skin that can spread and cover large areas of the body. This disease is characterized by a long period of development and gradual deterioration of the skin.

As a rule, erythema repens is provoked by an allergic reaction to certain substances, such as medications or preservatives in cosmetics. It can also occur due to infection, insect bites, burns and other reasons.

Symptoms of erythema repens do not appear immediately, but several weeks or even months after exposure to an allergen or stress factor. Most often, symptoms include skin redness, itching and flaking. Gradually, the spots increase in size and are accompanied by swelling or pain.

Treatment of erythema repens may include the use of special ointments and creams to treat skin diseases, taking antihistamines and immunosuppressive therapy. In severe cases, hormonal medications may be required to relieve inflammation and speed up skin healing. However, in most cases the disease goes away on its own