Erythema Scarring Acne

Erythema acne scars is a skin condition characterized by the appearance of red spots and blisters on the face and body. The name of the disease comes from the Latin word "erythema", which means "redness". This disease can lead to a number of complications, such as scarring of the skin and scar formation.

The causes of erythema acne scars are not fully understood, but there are some factors that may contribute to its development. Some of them include: hormonal changes in the body, heredity, stress, poor diet and sun exposure.

Symptoms of erythema scarring acne include redness of the skin, blistering and pain. The blisters may be painful to the touch and may be accompanied by itching or flaking of the skin. If left untreated, erythema can lead to severe scarring of the skin and the appearance of long-absorbing scars at the site of former blisters.