
Erythrophobia is the fear of blood. It is accompanied by physical manifestations of anxiety - nausea, dizziness, palpitations and other unpleasant sensations. Patients with erythrophobia may experience sweating, stiffness and muscle tension. Depending on the person’s condition, signs of erythrophobia may increase or decrease. Erythrophobia goes through a stage of incomplete fear of blood, which is expressed in an unwillingness to process the details that accompany it. Over time, this hostility spreads to a person’s hands, and he experiences discomfort when the skin of his fingers comes into contact with other surfaces. A complete fear of using blood as a common household item develops. Erythrophobia cannot be called a rare phenomenon, despite the fact that it is a purely individual problem - approximately every 50 people on the planet are susceptible to this fear in their own way. The reasons for the development of erythrophobia can be specified as a whole list, which includes both psychological and physiological problems. But