Escherichia Serum Ok For Ra

Escherichia causes various diseases in humans: for example, salmonellosis and other intestinal diseases, or Crohn's disease, which can affect the gastrointestinal tract and intestines. Treatment of such an infection should only be carried out under medical supervision. Its main task is to eliminate the pathogen as soon as possible and prevent complications or relapses from developing. If the illness continues for several months, toxins inside the body can damage joints and tissue in the liver and other organs.

Modern medicine has made significant progress in the fight against this dangerous infection. At the moment, there are several methods of treating Ebstein-Barr disease, since previously antibiotics or antivirals were not able to cope with the infection that causes the disease. Here is a brief overview of the main remedies that are used to treat this dangerous disease:

- Interferons: These are protein compounds that are produced by the human immune system to fight viruses. Thus, interferons have good anti-inflammatory activity. This substance is prescribed for the chronic course of the disease, as well as to reduce symptoms during crises. Interferon is usually given by injection or intravenously, but rectal suppositories are also available. The daily dose of interferon should not exceed 1 million units. Such interferons are produced by manufacturers from different countries. In the Russian Federation, the drugs alfaferon, viferon and arbidol are used. Most often, an antibiotic is prescribed first

In Russia, there are specialized Escheria serums (OK for RA). They help treat infectious diseases. These products are manufactured by a well-known company - Biomed named after. Mechnikov, who has extensive experience in this field. The company is the official distributor of its products throughout our country. The well-known brand of this product is characterized by the fact that all its components are imported from well-known, clean warehouses in Europe.