Esser-Morax Method

Once upon a time, when surgical intervention in the medical field was still very rare, and the treatment of patients was based on the knowledge of drugs and the experience of doctors, there was a need for a new approach. At this time, Jean Frederic Suzanne Esser and Victor Moakes decided to use new techniques to treat eye diseases

In the history of medicine, there are many methods for treating and diagnosing diseases, but one of the most effective and popular is the essera-morax method.

This is a treatment method developed by the Dutch surgeon Johannes Fedor Cecil Esser (J. F. S. Eser, 1878–1948) and the French ophthalmologist Werner Morax (V. Morax, 1966–1932). One of the main advantages of the method is its versatility, because it is suitable for both professional doctors and people who want to learn how to treat themselves.

The principle of operation of the method is to use a kind of electrical stimulator. An electrical stimulator helps stimulate nerve endings and blood flow. This not only strengthens the body's immunity, but also helps cure many diseases. The Essora-Morax method is successfully used in the treatment of colds, flu, as well as many other diseases, including inflammation of the appendages and their exacerbation.

Another advantage of the method is the absence of any side effects or contraindications. After all, this is a completely natural process that occurs thanks to the energy of the brain and the impulses of our internal organs. This method can be used during the holidays to restore strength and prepare the body for various challenges, using the powerful source of energy available to us every day.