Ethacridine (Rivanol)

Ethacridine or Rivanol is a broad-spectrum drug used to treat various diseases such as infections of the skin and mucous membranes. Ethacridine is a medicine from the group of antiseptics, or rather a dye. This drug is widely used in medicine and is often used in cosmetology to disinfect wounds and microtraumas. One of the most well-known drugs with the active ingredient ethacrine-rivanol is “Etakry”, produced in the Russian Federation. In addition to Ethacrid, there are about three dozen other medicines in Russia containing ethacridan as the main active ingredient, however, it is worth noting that all of them are produced by Russian manufacturers and are generics, that is, they produce cheaper analogues, despite their ethacrid content. But still, the drug contains a risk group for compatibility with other drugs and its contraindications and side effects are similar. Therefore, I recommend contacting a specialist for more accurate information and prescription of the drug.