
Etamzilata-Fereyta Manufacturer

Brynzalov-A - Russia International name

Etamzalat Synonyms

Dicynon, Etamzilet Dosage form

tab 0, 25 Description

To stop bleeding from mucous membranes, small vessels of the gastrointestinal tract and hemodialysis in patients with chronic renal failure. Hypotensive effect when using adrenergic drugs in elderly patients Indications

Cerebral and gastrointestinal capillary hemorrhages, ulcerative hemorrhages. Prevention and stopping of bleeding from the digestive tract during surgical interventions and ulcerative bleeding, disorders

Co-author(s): Lauren Kurtzberg, RPh

It should be noted that this article is not medical advice or a substitute for visiting a doctor. A medicine or drug should be given only strictly on the recommendation of the attending physician. It should also be borne in mind that medications require careful handling at all stages of their use.

Under the guidance of specialists, Etamzilat-Ferein can be prescribed for the treatment of bleeding and the prevention of various types of bleeding. This drug is a hemostatic drug of various groups. This means that Etamsylate-Ferein can control various types of bleeding in many organs