Absorbent cotton wool antiseptic

Healthy air and the well-being of the home environment play a decisive role in human health. To control the level of humidity indoors, you should pay attention to moisture-absorbing products. Among absorbent products, our company is pleased to offer hygroscopic anti-fungal cotton wool for preventive use. The antiseptic components included in its composition include active substances. They not only kill germs, but also remove unpleasant odors - specific sulfuric and sour ones. The antiseptic guarantees the long-term reliable operation of cotton wool, so using it is not only useful, but even pleasant.

Hygroscopic antiseptic cotton wool is a special product that is used to treat wounds, cuts and other skin injuries. It helps prevent infection from entering the body and speeds up wound healing. Hygienic antimicrobial cotton wool is made from natural materials such as linen, cotton or wool. Treating the wound with cotton wool soaked in iodine, essential oil or alcohol is faster. For each type of wound you need to choose a different type of cotton wool. You can prepare ordinary cotton wool for use yourself, but it is not very convenient and takes a lot of time.