Ethylmorphine Hydrochloride (Dionine)

Narcotic analgesic drugs, along with antidepressants, are one of the most popular groups of drugs in medicine. The abuse of such drugs has increased in recent years due to increased awareness among people about the consequences of their use. One of the modern legal drugs is Ethylmorphine hydrochloride or Dimonin.

Ethylmorphine hydrochloride (Diomorphinum hydrochloricum or Dionine), a drug of the opioid class, belongs to the group of narcotic analgesics and, like other derivatives of ephedrine-like substances (clonidine, amphetamine, etc.), can cause hyperstimulation syndrome of nerve centers. Efidifin is used as a preparation for anesthesia, to induce general anesthesia, and also in the postoperative period after kidney surgery. Opioids are the most powerful synthetic painkillers. Efidipine can be in the form of a gel or suppository, for parenteral and buccal administration. It is prescribed for neurological pain. The drug has an antitussive effect. According to statistics, most often this strong analgesic drug is prescribed for pain resulting from malignant neoplasms, surgical interventions on the chest organs, fractures of the bones of the extremities, algodismenorrhea, infectious diseases of bone tissue and dental operations.

Each dose of this medicine is 30 mg and has analgesic and sedative properties. The drug is indicated only for adult patients with cancer using morphine. Before use, a sensitivity test to active substances is carried out and the dose of the drug is adjusted. This medication should be used with caution by elderly people and patients with liver and kidney diseases, thyrotoxicosis, and low blood pressure.

The use of products containing this group of drugs is contraindicated: during breastfeeding and children under 18 years of age, people with anemia and deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, patients with anemia, atherosclerosis, hepatitis, myelodepression, decreased blood clotting, syndrome of increased intermediary zone of leukocytes, depression of the respiratory center, fever of unknown origin, gastrointestinal obstruction, headaches of unknown origin, drug addiction, diabetes mellitus, psychosis and paraconvulsive states, hyperthermia, acute intoxication, hypersensitivity to drugs of this group, galactosemia, in a state of depression, eye damage and increased intraocular pressure , myorenal syndrome, gastric and duodenal ulcers, acute poisoning with morphine and its homologues, open-angle glaucoma, phenylketonuria, alcoholic psychosis, pathological conditions of the nasopharynx and neck, granulocytopenia, angina pectoris. Ethylmorphine hydrochloridine combinations Ethylmo are contraindicated