
Ethyl alcohol is one of the most common alcohols. It is produced by different factories in Russia, so it is not surprising that there are a large number of these products on the market. The pharmaceutical group to which these alcohols belong is called antiseptics. In this context, antiseptics are used to make alcohol-based tinctures and extracts used for external use (wiping, compresses).

The main active ingredient in these alcohol solutions is ethyl alcohol, which is also known as ethanol. The active substance is contained in different percentage concentrations, such as solutions of 40, 70 and 95 percent.

Ethyl alcohol is a medical antiseptic solution and is used to clean and disinfect wounds and other surfaces. Medical purpose - lubricating and rinsing, as well as rinsing the mouth and throat. Such antiseptics are often used in hospitals, pharmacies and at home. But, despite all its positive properties, the use of an antiseptic should be limited to the area of ​​its application and strictly follow the instructions for its use.

One of the main contraindications is hypersensitivity to ethanol. However, it is worth noting that the safety of alcohol in high concentrations has not been proven. Therefore, it is important to exercise caution and not use solutions in concentrations greater than indicated on the package.

When using ethanol externally, side effects are possible, such as depression of the central nervous system (resorbing effect) with long-term use or high doses. In case of overdose, symptoms such as headache, respiratory depression, rapid heartbeat and convulsions may occur. Irritation of the mucous membranes and skin is also possible when the alcohol concentration is higher than normal.

The interaction of ethanol with other drugs is currently unknown. But you should pay special attention to medications that are incompatible with alcohol. Such medications include, for example, tetracycline antibiotics or medications containing enzymes. When using such drugs simultaneously, it is necessary to check the compatibility of alcohol with these drugs to prevent negative reactions.