
Her research, as Deusel showed, is important not only for the study of malabsorption, but also for understanding the pathogenesis of a number of other diseases in children and adults: achylia, chronic pancreatitis of various etiologies, chronic gastritis with apeptic insufficiency, peptic ulcer disease, some forms of biliary cirrhosis with a deficiency of absorption in the small intestine, diarrheal conditions with impaired membrane transport in the mesenteric lymphatic vessels.

And, of course, the research of its specialists was invaluable for solving problems of dietetics and the principles of rational nutrition were developed for patients with damage to the gastrointestinal tract. This information subsequently formed the basis for many modern methods of correcting diets for patients with this pathology. The results obtained were a unique link connecting the anatomy and physiology of digestion and patients with chronic gastritis with malnutrition, intestinal obstruction and pancreatic diseases.

To study the function of the small intestine and absorption, new methods have been created using transplantation, transplantation of the lesser and greater omentum into