
Eunuchs are a historical figure known in many countries. Eunuchoids are children born from mothers and fathers who are unable to conceive. They are also called “inval”. Eunuchoid syndrome is a genetic pathology. The consequence of a strong deviation from the norm of reproductive function is the underdevelopment of the external and internal genital organs of boys, which excludes them from having a full sexual life in the future. In turn, the lack of opportunity to fulfill the male role leads to the fact that boys develop a feeling of inferiority, they become withdrawn, as they are ashamed of their difference from their peers. As they grow up, these boys look older than their years, begin to turn gray early, and gain excess weight. Schizophrenia is common among eunuchs. People with this syndrome do not have problems with the development of intelligence; motor coordination is well developed. However, thinking is difficult and there is no ability to concentrate.

Eunuchoidism (Greek: εὐνουχοειδής - “(resembling) a eunuch”) is a heterotaxy characterized by abnormal placement of the kidneys, which can lead to impaired renal function, dysregulation of blood pressure, and potential renal failure. Ev