Evacuation Route

Escape route: definition and meaning

**Evacuation route is a route along which the wounded and sick are removed and transported from the affected area (emergency zone) to a medical facility or to an external laboratory in the rear area or beyond.


An evacuation route is a route along which the victims and wounded are removed and transported to the rear. This path begins at the battlefield or casualty site and ends at the final medical evacuation point where victims receive medical care.

In the event of emergencies or military conflicts, evacuation may be a necessary step to save the lives and health of people. In such conditions, it is necessary to quickly and effectively organize an evacuation route to ensure the safety and health of victims.

The evacuation route must be safe and convenient for transporting victims. It must pass through safe areas where there is no danger to the life and health of victims. Also along the evacuation route, places for rest and food should be provided so that the victims can regain their strength.

To organize an evacuation route, it is necessary to take into account many factors, such as the number of victims, their condition, the availability of transport and other resources. It is also important to take into account the terrain and environmental conditions in order to choose the optimal route.

Establishing an escape route is an important aspect of medical care in emergency situations. By choosing the right route and ensuring the safety of victims, many lives can be saved.