
Ganglioastrocytmas are a relatively rare form of central nervous system tumors. The diagnosis of “g–a” is made in cases of differentiation of g–oma into astrocytes. It includes the entire spectrum of signs typical of g - om, plus the presence of signs of differentiation in g - a (manifestations of g - and somatic, neurological and functional).

G-a is a slow growing tumor with a diameter of 1 to 10 cm, with a central formation of clay, rarely forming nodes or metastases. On section, the tumor is gray in color and consists of macrophages and glandular cells of type II gliosis, around which there is astrocytic parenchyma and neuritis of C, gliosis cells and radiolated nerves, reminiscent of a histional encephalopathological process. It often fuses with accompanying large defects of the skull base.

In the intracranial areas, two components are histologically detected: g - com s

Gangliogliomatosis is a group of rare diseases that are caused by abnormal proliferation of neurons in the brain. They may appear differently depending on the type of tumor. In this article we will look at gangliomatosis and their main symptoms, treatment, prognosis and possible complications.

What is ganglioglioma?

Gangliogliomas are benign brain tumors that arise from nerve cells called ganglionocytes. Ganglioblastomas are the most common types of tumors and are hereditary. They usually have multiple origins, but are most often found in men aged 20 to 30 years. In most patients the tumor is in the frontal lobe, so it may be