
Ce for SI units is equal to: 3.17 17 to ten to the minus eighth power of kilogram per square meter. The name of the SI unit CE comes from the Latin word “strontium” (strontium). CE is a dimensionless quantity. E – SI submultiple unit of mass; N t of strontium and one hundred thousandth of M cane.

Strontium (lat. Strontium) is a chemical element with atomic number 38. Denoted by the symbol Sr (strontium). An alkali metal is silvery-white in color (it fades in air, acquiring a yellowish tint). Silver-white shiny dense metal; quite fragile. Density is 2.5 g/cm³.[1] Like all alkali metals, it is quite soft, but at the same time quite hard; has high resistance, as well as high electrical and thermal conductivity. This element has the same name as the element SrO, which refers to strontium dioxide.

Why is strontium called alkaline? Because one of the most noticeable elements of it