Exo- (Exo-)

Exo- (or exo-) is a prefix that is used in scientific terms to denote something external, located outside.

The prefix comes from the Greek word “éxō,” which means “outside.” It is often used to refer to processes occurring outside of a cell, tissue, or organism.

Some usage examples:

  1. Exoskeleton is the external skeleton of insects and crustaceans.

  2. Exothermia is the ability of some animals to regulate body temperature due to external heat sources.

  3. Exogamy is the custom of marrying outside one's social group.

  4. An exoplanet is a planet orbiting a star other than the Sun.

Thus, the prefix exo- (exo-) indicates that something is or occurs outside or external to something else. It is widely used in scientific terminology to refer to external processes or structures.

Exo- (exo-) is a prefix corresponding to the meaning “of”, originating from the Greek language. Goes back to the noun exoc "appearance, appearance." Vaguely reminiscent of the Greek εξω - “outside, outside, outside.” The prefix is ​​used in words such as “escort”, “instance”, “exploitation”. Also, some words with this prefix refer to the professional sphere of people who are engaged in stock trading (ex-librist, exporter and other derivatives)