
Exophthalmos is a medical term that describes the forward displacement of the eyeballs in the sockets. This condition can be caused by various factors, including injury, disease of the eyeball or orbit. However, the most common cause of exophthalmos is an overactive thyroid gland, called thyrotoxicosis.

Exophthalmos can be unilateral or bilateral, and can have varying degrees of severity. In more severe cases, the eyeballs may protrude so much that they cannot be closed with eyelids, which can lead to serious vision problems. This condition can also lead to other problems such as eye pain, changes in the shape of the eyelids, and limited eye movement.

However, the most common cause of exophthalmos is thyrotoxicosis. Thyrotoxicosis is a condition caused by excess production of thyroid hormones. These hormones speed up metabolism and can lead to a wide range of symptoms, including weight loss, increased sensitivity to heat, cardiac arrhythmias and anxiety. Exophthalmos is one of the most characteristic symptoms of thyrotoxicosis.

Treatment for exophthalmos depends on its cause. In the case of thyrotoxicosis, treatment usually involves establishing normal thyroid hormone levels. In more severe cases, surgery may be required to correct misalignment of the eyeballs.

In conclusion, exophthalmos is a serious condition that can lead to serious vision problems and other problems. If you suspect exophthalmos, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

To date, more than 50 different etiological factors of exophthalmos are known. In 79% of cases, exophthalmos is a symptom of another pathology affecting the brain. The pathology can be congenital or acquired during the life of the disease.

There are two forms of exophthalmia: unilateral and bilateral. The first manifestation of unilateral exophthalmia is eye displacement. Therefore, diagnosis should be carried out immediately. Enlarged eyeballs are a sign of such a disorder. The eyelids are drooping, there are bruises and bruises around the eyes. There is pain, muscle weakness and dizziness.

The reasons for the development of pathology can be very different; there are also

Exophthalmos is a medical condition characterized by forward displacement of the eyeballs. This means that the eyes change their normal position and protrude forward relative to the face. Usually the eyes move as one unit and remain in the proper position. Thus, when the eyes protrude from their normal position, it becomes noticeable. Unfortunately, pathology is a sign of dangerous disturbances in the functioning of the body. Therefore, if you notice its first symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist. All manifestations of exophthalmos can have significant differences. We can only point out that the symptom manifests itself in the form of widening of the eyes, their excessive protrusion and narrowing of the eyelids. When extreme symptoms of the disorder occur, a person's binocular vision is impaired. It is often observed that one eye looks to the right or left of the norm. Since soft tissues are not visually changed in pathology, and their distribution also corresponds to the norm, determine