General discussion about treatment for bites of humans and four-legged animals

The worst thing is a bite from a hungry person, whether human or non-human. Anyone who wants to treat a bite should put a cloth soaked in olive oil on the bitten area, or rub it with olive oil itself and then, if this does not achieve the goal, apply a medicinal bandage, for example, with honey, onions or beans, chewed raw as they are, it works great in this case. Boiled wine with lead oxide also helps; a medicinal bandage with vetch flour works excellently.

If the doctor notices putrefaction at the bitten place, he first cleanses it with bloodletting, cupping or traction medicine and leaves the wound until it festers, and then looks, and if he sees putrefaction in the pus, he will know that traction and cleansing of the harmful substance was not strong enough, and treats with strong extractive medicines, which we mentioned in the paragraphs about stings. If there is no rotting in the organ, then the doctor prevents swelling and heals the wound. The best plaster for bites and wounds from pierced claws is a black plaster; it is used, if necessary, after drawing out the harmful substance and washing it with water and salt.