Treatment for a viper bite, which is kind of the rule

The general principles of treatment are followed, and then the most powerful remedy is the hasty use of teryak against vipers, and if you delay this, then teryak may or may not help a lot. As for the fact that teryak will turn into a weapon against poison, this is by no means so, for only nature can create such weapons, and something extraneous cannot create them, unless, of course, both of them come into motion at the same time.

If the patient can consume garlic with wine generously, then this sometimes eliminates any treatment; leeks and onions with wine also work if garlic is not found. It is said that roasted deer penis, if given immediately to eat, is beneficial. Harmala is one of the medicines that relieves danger, just like citron seeds.

Particularly strong antidotes include the following medicine: anise - one oxybaf, pepper - four darachmi, round aristolochia bark and beaver stream - both are mixed with darakhmi in boiled wine and given one javza per dose.

They also take myrrh, beaver stream, pepper, red arsenic - each for a dirham and dill seeds - two uqiyas and mix them with boiled wine.

They also take seeds of clover, round aristolochia and wild rue - this is not harmala, as some people think, but a variety of rue. The medicine should be given with a large amount of ghee, especially old ghee - often old ghee alone relieves poisoning. The patient is placed in a bath of milk, forced to stay awake and walk, washed from time to time in a sweat bath and then given rennet to drink. The best rennet is fresh hare rennet, and it is even better if given to drink with four ukiyahs of moderately diluted wine; deer rennet is also good.

Some people say that if a person takes a sea onion into his mouth, chews it and swallows the juice that flows out, and uses the squeeze to make a bandage on the bitten area, he will certainly not die.

People tested a decoction of frogs, and it turned out that if you eat it, it brings benefits and saves. Weasel meat with vinegar and salt, sea crayfish, and the blood of a sea turtle also work. Some people claim that hanging a stone called a snake stone around your neck brings healing.