Persistent three-day fever

It is recognized by the exacerbation of attacks every other day and by the severity of the symptoms of three-day fever. According to Galen, fever enters this category when the blood becomes putrefied; this will be discussed further in the future.

Treatment of pure tertian fever. You should remember what we taught in the basics of using fevers through relaxation and nutrition and in all other paragraphs about fever, and build treatment on this. Do not pay attention to the words of those who allow the use of strong laxatives, myrobalans and the like at first in a manner different from what we said; on the contrary, you must first hurry up and somewhat soften the nature with the medicines mentioned there, for example, tamarind in the amount of forty dirhams, which is soaked one night in hot water, the juice is strained and manna or taranjubin is thrown in, or the juice of both pomegranates, a decoction of bindweed with taranjubin, raisins, pitted, pickled plums with tarangubine or semolina, violet drink or violet jam. Sometimes the mucus of flea plantain with some drink, for example, drinking from plums, has a laxative effect, producing gliding or softening. Relaxation is also caused by a decoction of lentils with bindweed or mild enemas, for example, an enema with a decoction of marshmallow, jujube, cordia and licorice root with orris oil, or an enema with squeezed beet juice, as well as with violet oil and bavrak, prepared in a way known to you. This is done when the need becomes urgent. It would be correct to give the patient, for example, barley water or similar food only after the nature has already softened. However, with a pure three-day fever, relaxation is less harmful than the same treatment for other fevers, although it still contains great evil. If it is possible not to bleed for up to three attacks, then do so, and if you are afraid that the disease will become wandering, and you perform bloodletting, then the mistake that occurs, if it happens at all, will be smaller than other mistakes.

On the day of the attack, you should not move any juices except as necessary, and feeding should also be done only if the conditions mentioned above are present. The urine is driven by the milky juice of the seeds.

The attack should come to the patient when his stomach is thin and there is nothing there, but on a day when there is no attack, he should be given sikanjubin in the morning, and two hours later with barley water. Shikanjubin after an attack is as good as immersing your feet in warm water to divert the remaining heat to the surface of the body. It is preferable that shikanjubin, especially at the end of the disease, contains the milky juice of cold diuretic seeds; Sikanjubin is also given three and four hours before an attack. After an attack, they also drink barley water, and when it is necessary to lighten the diet, they give you something to drink, for example, pomegranate juice, Indian watermelon juice, and the like. The regime is gradually changed in the manner mentioned above - whenever the limit period approaches, it is eased. In the first days they feed barley gruel or bread soaked in cold water, either as it is, or bread juice with water; They also serve stews made from mung beans or lentils.

If food turns sour in the patient’s stomach, then he is not given barley water at all, unless it is very liquid, and when it is necessary to drink liquid barley water, then it is slightly strengthened with a decoction of celery root. If the stomach is too cold for this, and the fever is not very strong and not clear, then, according to the advice of Hippocrates, add a little pepper to the barley water. When signs indicate a crisis is imminent, barley water, pomegranate juice and sikanjubin are sufficient. The fruits that are preferable for such patients are pomegranates, sweet and sour-sweet, and plums, ripe and unripe. As for the Indian watermelon, the watermelon, with its sweetness, is a very useful thing: it releases nature, drives urine, weakens strength heat and causes perspiration. Sometimes small fragrant melons are not harmful, and vegetables include pumpkin, kissa, cucumbers, and lettuce.

Know that the purpose of giving food to a person suffering from three-day fever is either only cooling - then at the end of the illness they give the legs of mountain partridges and the testicles of a rooster, or, if the patient does not have nausea, the brains of a kid, as well as an egg, yolk, or cooling and, together with Moreover, hydration - then they give, for example, barley gruel; do not go too far in cooling, especially at the beginning of the illness, unless you feel a strong burning sensation and you are not afraid that the fever will turn into a burning or persistent one. If a crisis has come and you see signs of maturity in the urine, that is, a commendable sediment that you already know about, then if it is not required, do not treat, but otherwise treat with means that help nature, that is, diuretics or laxatives, or emetics, or sweatshops. Do not fight against nature in this, and if you do not observe a clear tendency to empty, empty by relaxation. Give, for example, scammonium resin in the amount of danak with julab, or a decoction of myrobalans with tamarind, tarandjubin, raisins, roots and laxative cassia, prepared as you already know; You might want to strengthen the decoction with smoke, hay or scammonium resin.

Among the remedies suitable for such patients are also laxative cakes made from bamboo nodules or a medicine according to the following recipe: take yellow myrobalans, pitted - four dirhams, candy sugar - twenty dirhams, scammonium resin - one danak, and give everything This is to drink with cold water, and then use diuretics for patients. If there is excessive heat and great burning and you have already had a bowel movement, then it is not harmful to give the sick to drink some strong medicines that extinguish the heat, which are mentioned in the paragraphs on the treatment of acute diseases, and sometimes they are satisfied with medicinal dressings from these substances.

As for the bathhouse, patients should not approach it until the matter is ripe, but when it is ripe, during the recession, this is the best treatment for them, especially if the person is accustomed to the bathhouse; however, the mistake of sending them to the bathhouse before they ripen during a three-day fever is safer than a similar mistake during another fever. The bath for such patients should be moderately hot, with pleasant, humid air, and let them sweat there little by little so that their hearts do not get hot, and rub themselves with violet and rose oil diluted with water. They should not stay in the bathhouse for a long time; on the contrary, let them leave as soon as possible, and a repeated visit here is more beneficial than a long stay. If before leaving the bath they plunge into warm water and remain in it as long as they feel good, this will be beneficial. Then, when they leave, they can drink liquid white wine, greatly diluted with water, and must immediately wrap themselves up, since they sweat a lot and at the same time the remaining juices ripen, if any are preserved; after this, patients are fed cooling and moisturizing foods or vegetables with the same properties. Don’t be afraid to give them a very diluted wine to drink after a decline - the remaining amount of wine, the fervor of which is weakened by mixing, helps to dissolve what is to be dissolved, and the water that penetrates into the organs thanks to the admixture of the conductive force of the wine eliminates the harm from slight warming and greatly cools and moisturizes. If there are painful symptoms - thirst, headache, insomnia, etc. - then you have already been told how to treat them, and if after the crisis some residual constant fever remains, then give sikanjubin with diuretic squeezed juices or sikanjubin in which diuretic seeds were boiled and roots.

Know that the treatment of persistent three-day fever is similar to the treatment of any three-day fever, but at the same time they pay more attention to the maturity of the matter and to cooling with sikanjubin, prepared with cucumber seeds and chicory seeds, especially crushed ones, and two hours after sikanjubin they give barley water to drink. I also resort to lighter meals, the use of mild enemas at first, and increased expulsion of urine. You should proceed with caution and not give laxatives at first; the patient should not be given anything to drink except, for example, violet drink and fruit juice, and should not use any enemas other than mild ones.

Treatment of unclean three-day fever. Measures in respect of which the treatment of unclean three-day fever differs from the treatment of pure three-day fever are measures common to unclean and cold fevers. For example, in an unclean fever it is forbidden to defecate before the matter has matured, or before a significant decline if the doctor has waited for the ripening, while for those suffering from a pure fever this is sometimes permitted. A bath with an unclean fever is also prohibited, since the bath mixes immature mucus with matter, pouring out to the place where decay occurs; in this case, the mucus mixes with the malignant putrefactive juice, and the rarefied matter dissolves, while the thick matter remains.

Daily nutrition or the administration of substances close to nutrients are also harmful to such patients; on the contrary, they should be fed for a day, but not for a day, and the food should include something cleansing and slightly warming. With an impure fever, at the beginning of the disease, you should give more dense food than at the beginning of a pure fever, and then gradually move on to an even greater dilution than with a pure three-day fever. The thinning should at first be achieved by fasting rather than by administering very thin food, and let the cooling be less. Those suffering from unclean fever should do more acute enemas, and wait for the juices to ripen more before severe relief. In barley water for such patients there must be forces that promote ripening and dissolution, for example, the substances we mentioned that are useful for patients in whom barley water turns sour in the stomach, or even something stronger; Thus, sometimes it is necessary to boil hyssop, sathar, mint or sumbul in barley water, depending on the nature of the patient. Beets benefit them, as does adding chickpea decoction to barley water, and at the end of the disease, pure chickpea decoction is useful. It is also necessary to look at how close or far the unclean fever is from the pure one and, depending on this, differentiate between the treatment of unclean and pure fever; if the disease is very close to pure fever, then make only a slight difference between the methods of treatment.

When you see that the urine in the bottle is thick, then let it bleed, because if you let it bleed, there will be no need for an enema; know also that for such patients there is nothing more beneficial than vomiting after eating.

Of the laxatives that are closest to balance, at the beginning of the disease they give liquid julanjubin with sikanjubin, in which we sometimes put the laxative cassia; It will be stronger if you put a little turbo in it. Enemas, in my opinion, are preferable to other methods of relaxation, namely enemas that act with the power of Tribulus, chamomile, beets, safflower, violet, cordia and figs and have the smell of tourbita; They also contain the laxative cassia, sesame oil and bavrak. Sometimes, according to the degree of remoteness of the fever from pure fever, something more acute is required.

As for substances that promote the maturation of matter, such as, for example, sikanjubin mixed with a small amount of julanjubin, or sikanjubin with roots, and after the seventh day, for example, a decoction of bitter wormwood: it is beneficial, thins matter and strengthens the stomach in the same way, like fennel juice and celery juice with shikanjubin. When the illness has passed the fourteenth day, it is a good idea to give small rose cakes, and if the illness has dragged on, then we do not find it possible to avoid the rose sap cakes, as well as its decoction. This type of remedy includes warming the hypochondrium and medicinal bandages on the soft parts of the abdomen made from substances that promote maturation and relieve tension if it has arisen there. When you are convinced that maturation has taken place, then empty and drive the urine without fear of anything.

Here is one of the good empties for such patients: take iyaraja - five dirhams, squeezed lettuce and sapling juice - three dirhams each, celery seeds, yellow and Kabul myrobalans - five dirhams each, turbita - seven dirhams; All this is turned into pills with celery juice and given to drink for two dirhams.

This also includes our good decoction: take saplings, bitter wormwood and Kabul myrobalans - five dirhams each, melon seeds, kissa, cucumber, celery seeds, tartar, milk thistle - ten dirhams each, turbita - dirhams, laxative cassia - six dirhams, pitted raisins - twenty pieces, cordia - thirty pieces, figs - ten pieces, as well as julanjubin prepared from Persian roses - fifteen dirhams - all this is boiled in the usual way in an amount of water equal to the total of all substances, and taken large cup, after adding qirat scammonium resin.

Sometimes you need a strong medicine on the one hand, and a weak medicine on the other. Its strength is manifested in the removal of viscous juice, but its weakness is that it does not remove a lot at once, but on the contrary, it can act gradually and remove the juice to be removed several times without weakening the natural strength. This is a medicine that can be given in parts or as a whole in order to cause release in a small amount, and a small amount removes little bad juice, and a large amount removes a lot of bad juice, while ordinary decoctions in small quantities sometimes do not produce any effect. Here is a sample of such a medicine: take turbita - half a dirham or less, or more, depending on need, scammonium resin - about tassuja or more, knead it on the mentioned julanjubin and give it to drink. Either they take agaric and scammonium resins in the same ratio, mix them with julanjubin and drink, or put these medicines in squeezed rose juice near the uqiya and drink, or put them in a rose drink and drink.