Artificial Insemination

Artificial Insemination is one of the methods of treating infertility in women. This method involves artificially introducing sperm into a woman's vagina to conceive a child.

Artificial insemination can be performed using the husband's sperm (AIH - artificial insemination husband) or donor sperm (DI - donor insemination). In the case of AIH, sperm is collected from the husband, for example in case of impotence or other health problems. In the case of DI, sperm is taken from an anonymous donor if the husband is unable to conceive a child for some reason.

The day of artificial insemination must coincide with the day when the woman is expected to ovulate. Various methods can be used to determine the day of ovulation, including medical tests and ultrasound.

The artificial insemination procedure begins with the preparation of sperm. Sperm can be processed to improve its quality and increase the chances of successful conception. The sperm is then injected into the woman's vagina using a special catheter tube.

Artificial insemination can be performed either at home or in a clinic. In a clinic, the procedure can be performed using special equipment and under the supervision of medical personnel.

Artificial insemination can be an effective method of treating infertility in women. However, like any medical procedure, it has its risks and side effects. Therefore, before deciding to undergo artificial insemination, it is necessary to discuss all possible risks and side effects with a medical specialist and make an informed decision.

**Artificial insemination** is a process that occurs by introducing seminal fluid (sperm) into the vagina to conceive. This method of fertilization is most often used in cases where the husband’s sperm cannot move and are not able to fertilize the egg. However, there are many cases where women suffer from infertility due to problems in the female body such as menstrual irregularities, as well as in cases of unsuccessful births and caesarean sections. With these conditions, women may have difficulty conceiving naturally. In such cases, it is worth thinking about artificial insemination.

**Artificial insemination. How will it help?**

Be that as it may, the question of whether artificial insemination helps conception worries millions of couples around the world. Only specialists can predict the chances of IVF success in advance, as well as help a couple choose the most optimal infertility treatment option for them.

According to recent studies, IVF is today one of the ten most successful methods of reproduction (along with the well-known methods NATURAL IVF, MINDFUL IVF and EPURO). At the same time, the efficiency of the first IVF cycle reaches almost 40%, and the embryo transfer rate