Treatment of putrefactive and malignant ulcers

The basis of the treatment of these malignant ulcers is cleansing the body, and if the body is clean, then cleansing the diseased organ in ways that cleanse this one organ, that is, cupping, leeches or ointments that correct its nature, as we have repeatedly said, as well as improving nutrition with the treatment of such ulcers does not one should hesitate, because old age increases evil. It is also necessary to prevent these ulcers from becoming hot tumors, which, by the way, are soothed by henbane and oatmeal. If such ulcers become excessively putrefactive, they also sometimes have to be burned out to the ground with fire or sharp medicines, or the rot must be cut off so that only healthy meat remains, which is recognized by good coloring and good-quality blood, and healthy, clean white bone. Acute medicine takes away and expels all the shards, and the pain it causes is helped with ghee, applying it over and over again to the ulcer. Such ulcers, although they are not fistulas or cranial ulcerations, are still bad and malignant and often force the organ to be cut off in order to save the patient from its decay. Irrigations suitable for these ulcers are, for example, sea water and other waters mentioned in the paragraph on fistulas. When medications are used for these and other ulcers, they should be left on for several days without removing them.

The medicines that should be used for such ulcers are, for example, flour of lentil vetch with a little alum, or salted dried fish and a little crumb of bread, or aristolochia or cabbage roots, or beet roots, or mad cucumber root, and also ground flaxseed with kalkadis, or thyme with raisins or figs or fig tree leaves, or soda with cumin, or flour with honey, or a bandage of mouse onions boiled with honey, or cabbage with honey, or burnt dry pumpkin, or fresh olive leaves.

Description of a complex drug. They take aristolochia and the squeezed juice of castor bean leaves - one part each, and verdigris - half a part and prepare a mud cake from this, thick as honey. Sometimes this medicine is strengthened with the squeezed juice of mad cucumber and suri and dry rags are placed on top of it. They also take equal parts of aristolochia, galls and olive oil, prepare a mud cake and put it on the ulcer itself and on the tissues surrounding it, or take nur and kalkatara - one part each and arsenic - half a part.

They also take suri - twelve parts, kalkatara - ten and vitriol - four and prepare a mud cake, boiling the medicine in half a cutuli of strong vinegar until all the vinegar is gone. Then the dirt is taken with a knitting needle and smeared on the ulcers.

They also take kalkatar and vitriol - twenty parts each, iron oxide - sixteen parts, unpierced galls - eight parts.

They also take salt - one part, burnt alum, copper scale, burnt pumice - half a part.

Good patch. They take anzaruth, burnt copper, galls, verdigris and aristolochia, bind them with a small amount of resin so that the composition becomes pliable and sticky, and consume it after cleansing the ulcer.

An extremely useful, proven medicine. They take red sulfate - twenty-four parts, quicklime - sixteen, alum - sixteen, pomegranate peels - sixteen, incense, galls - thirty-two of both, wax - one hundred and twenty, old olive oil - cutuli.

Another good medicine. They take two dirhams each of burnt tin, sulfur, burnt copper, tin white, incense, lead oxide, myrrh, kalimiyya, usshak, opopanax, mastic and three dirhams each of cow kidney fat, ratiyanaja, Nabatean resin, myrtle oil and wax and dissolve it, what dissolves, in such a quantity of vinegar that substances that do not dissolve can be kneaded on it, and then they are ground, then the whole thing is tied up and kneaded.

A successful medicine compiled by Galen and others. They take copper dross - ukiyu, grated verdigris - ukiyu, wax - half a ritl, larkas resin - one and a half uki and prepare a plaster according to the rule, that is, dissolving what is dissolving, and rubbing what is being ground, and the amount of wax as needed increase or decrease. They also like to mix diafroujas with this medicine, which Galen talks about for a long time in his place. When such ulcers form, for example, on the male penis, then medicines from burnt papyrus paper, medicine from anzarut, burnt pumpkin, burnt dirty wool, as well as the ashes of cypress leaves or sycamore leaves are used against them.