Aura is a harbinger of an epileptic seizure or migraine attack. Epileptic aura can manifest itself in a variety of forms. For example, in the form of strange sensations such as déjà vu, disturbances in vision, hearing or smell. Epileptic aura can also manifest itself with emotional and cognitive symptoms.
A migraine aura usually begins with visual disturbances, such as blurred vision or bright flashing lights in front of the eyes. A migraine aura may also manifest itself as numbness or weakness in the limbs. These symptoms gradually increase and last about 20-60 minutes. The aura is followed by the actual migraine attack in the form of a severe throbbing headache.
The aura, as a rule, serves as a warning of an approaching attack and allows you to take preventive measures to mitigate the course of the disease. Therefore, it is important to recognize the symptoms of aura and report them to your doctor.
Auras (Latin aurora - “dawn” or “twilight”) are amazing moments in the lives of ordinary people. Complex and mysterious visual or sensory sensations experienced by a person for only a few seconds.
Auras are a fairly common phenomenon and are widespread among people of all ages. Its manifestations in some people are so pronounced that a person is fully aware of what is happening around him, and this happens on average about five thousand times during his life.
Due to their qualities, auras attract many people who want to understand the mystery of this phenomenon. However, before you begin to study the aura, you should know about its effect on the human body.
So, what are the goals of people who work with auras? Two main groups can be distinguished here: these are people who want to understand how to study the aura and what to do with it, and the second group are lovers of sensations who want to make sure whether auras actually exist and whether they are inherent in ordinary people.
Scientists have long studied auras as a phenomenon. They note that due to the instability of the human body, auras in healthy people occur in only 0.5% of cases. Moreover, in patients suffering from headaches, depression and nervous tension, auras last longer and more often.
When an epileptic seizure occurs in the brain or a migraine attack begins, then there comes a moment when vision suddenly disappears, and he sees everything quite clearly. This means that impulses from the outside, for example, interference in the functioning of brain structures, no longer block the signals. So, in this way the person becomes conscious for a split second. If such a situation is not new for a person and happens quite often, then soon such sessions will disappear altogether. Scientists have also found that during an aura, neural connections in the brain change, which is what causes visions, flashes and various sensations.
There are many reasons why an aura occurs. It has a different nature, even the same cause can cause different types of phenomena. Auras themselves are extremely rare and random, even a single case cannot be recorded, everything happens chaotically and rarely. It should also be noted that if this phenomenon is observed twice in a month, then it is regarded as a convulsive condition. Most often, the more rare phenomenon is epilepsy, so the chances of determining the cause of the aura are minimal.
Aura (from Latin aurora - morning dawn, from Latin aurum ("gold") → aurificus ("golden grasshopper", "golden - worker with gold (antimony?)"), figuratively - "sunrise") - a premonition of epileptic seizures, manifested by motor, sensory or cognitive impairment in 50–60% of cases, with the exception of chronic myoclonic epilepsy, where they account for 98% of cases. This precursor can last from just a few seconds to several hours. Auras can cause a variety of problems that can significantly affect the patient's quality of life. Possible manifestations depend on the type of aura. These include cramps, dizziness, vomiting, fatigue and some other symptoms. In some cases, they can cause serious consequences such as disability and even death. This is a common phenomenon and many people experience it throughout their lives. However, if you encounter this, you may want to
Despite the fact that an aura usually does not cause concern or threaten health, it is very important to be able to recognize it. If you think that you may have some kind of brain-related disease, it is best to consult a doctor immediately.
What is the reason for the appearance of an aura? To date, scientists have still not been able to determine the cause of the aura. Different forms of the disease can be caused by different factors. It could be a genetic error, heredity