Causes, symptoms and treatment of flat papillomas

The content of the article:
  1. What is flat papilloma
  2. Main reasons
  3. General symptoms
  4. Treatment of flat papillomas
    1. Oral medications
    2. External means
    3. Injection solutions
    4. Traditional methods
    5. Radical methods

Flat papilloma is a skin formation that does not pose a serious threat to health, but at the same time spoils the aesthetics of appearance. Unlike other types, they are more of a cosmetic defect. They are detected infrequently, usually by visual examination of the patient's body. Treatment boils down to the use of external agents and strengthening the immune system; in rare cases, surgical intervention is required.

What is flat papilloma?

The photo shows flat and ordinary papillomas

Flat papilloma is a benign formation on the skin, practically not prone to degeneration into malignant. It looks like a small nodule with a diameter of up to 5 mm, slightly protruding above the surface.

The color of flat papillomas in the photo usually does not differ from tissues; they are beige or pale pink.

Such neoplasms in humans can be located either in groups, next to each other, or individually at some distance. The most typical places of localization: face, hands, legs, neck, shoulders.

Among all types of papillomas, flat papillomas occupy one of the last places in terms of prevalence, accounting for no more than 4%. Children and young people are most susceptible to them.

Note! A dermatologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of flat papillomas.

The main causes of flat papillomas

The most common cause of such tumors is a decrease in the body’s protective functions due to deterioration of the immune system. In turn, this is facilitated by an unbalanced diet with a lack of iron, vitamin C and other beneficial substances.

Also, the likelihood of this is increased by constant stress, poor ecology, and an inactive lifestyle. Against this background, a person can become infected with the flat papilloma virus, which causes such formations.

The risk group includes the following categories of the population:

  1. Persons leading a disordered intimate life. The risk of infection is 2 times higher for those who not only have different sexual partners, but also ignore protective equipment. This is due to the fact that the main route of transmission of the papilloma virus is sexual.
  2. Women in labor. Women planning to give birth to a child in the near future need to know that infection can occur during the birth of the baby. Moreover, in this case, the flat papilloma virus can pass to the baby.
  3. Visitors to public places. First of all, lovers of baths, saunas, swimming pools, public showers and fonts should be careful. Caution should be exercised here because the virus thrives in a humid environment and dies too slowly in such conditions.
  4. People with bad habits. We are talking about drug addiction, drinking large amounts of alcohol and smoking, which negatively affects the immune system.
Important! The number of papillomas in a person can increase sharply due to injury or improper removal of existing formations.

General symptoms of flat papillomas

Flat papilloma looks like a light growth on the skin. They usually appear in small numbers at first, but as the virus progresses in the body, their number increases sharply. As a result, the neoplasms acquire a rounded shape, clear boundaries and become harder.

Unlike hanging types of papillomas, flat ones have close contact with the skin; they do not cling to clothing and cannot be accidentally torn off.

As the situation worsens, their color becomes more saturated. On the face, growths can appear around the lips, eyes and nose.

In some cases, flat papillomas can cause itching; often the skin around them is red and unnaturally shiny. A characteristic sign is slight swelling in this area.

As a rule, a person does not experience any painful sensations, except for mild discomfort.

Features of the treatment of flat papillomas

Treatment can be conservative, using medications for oral and external use, as well as folk and radical. In the latter case, various operations and cosmetic procedures are meant that will help remove flat papillomas. This method is in demand only in advanced stages, when tumors cannot be eliminated with creams, ointments, etc. For conservative therapy, you can use injection solutions, tablets, capsules, creams, ointments, and various cauterizing preparations such as iodine.

Oral medications for flat papillomas

First of all, you need to strengthen your immunity, for this you should drink a vitamin-mineral complex. A very good one is Perfectile, presented in capsule form. They should be taken 1 piece at a time. per day for a month. Popular analogues are Doppelhertz Active A-C, Alphabet, Vitrum, Complivit, Centrum, Merz.

A fairly effective anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory agent is Galavit. It is available for sale in the form of tablets, of which there are 20 pieces in a package. To “put to sleep” the virus and remove flat papillomas, they must be taken for at least 15 days. The drug can be replaced with Lavomax, Liasten, Immuno-Ton syrup.

To suppress the virus, hemoglobin must also be maintained at a normal level. For this purpose you can drink Immunal, Echinatia Forte, Lymphomyosot. Their analogues are Tonsilotren tablets, Totem solution, Hemofer drops. The minimum course of treatment is 4 weeks.

Note! Most of the drugs for the treatment of flat papillomas are available without a doctor's prescription. They are sold in pharmacies and can be used either within one course or in sequence.

External remedies against flat papillomas

One of the fastest ways to remove tumors is to use special plasters. Among them, Salipod and Ultra Pro from Dr. have an excellent “reputation.” House. They must be glued to areas with new growths, previously steamed, worn for 12 hours under a bandage and carefully removed. To remove a flat papilloma, more than 3 such procedures may be needed.

In addition to patches, you can use special sprays and solutions, for example, Cryopharm. For it to help, you need to insert the sponge applicator into a special holder, which in turn must be fixed in the aerosol can for 5 seconds. Next, it should be applied to the papilloma and held there for 15 seconds. After the first session, you need to take a break for 14 days and repeat the treatment. Analogs of “Cryopharma” are Verrukacid and Ferezol. Read in detail the instructions for using Cryopharma for papillomas.

Helps remove flat papillomas very well Epigen and Miramistin, which should be used to soak a cotton swab and wipe the skin in problem areas.

For this we can also recommend a remedy "Kondilin", it must be applied to the affected areas using a sponge or cotton swab. After the skin has dried, it must be processed again. Read about Condilin's contraindications and side effects.

In the treatment of flat papillomas it is difficult to do without ointments, in the list of which one of the best is considered Oksolin. It has a good analogue - Viferon. You can also add Panavir cream to the therapy regimen. They need to be applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks.

When treating flat papillomas with external means, it is important not to forget to use immunomodulators and vitamin-mineral complexes.

Injection solutions for the removal of flat papillomas

If there are a large number of neoplasms and active activity of the virus, you should think about using Roferon-A, Altevira, Immunomax. Medicines are administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, the duration of treatment is about 2 weeks. During this time, at least 6 injections should be given.

An analogue of Roferon-A is Alviron, but if necessary, you can use other effective solutions for removing flat papillomas - Polyoxidonium and Neovir. Treatment should last at least 8-12 days, one course requires 5-7 injections. The optimal interval between administrations is 1-2 days. After completion of treatment, you should take a break for 2 months; therapy can be repeated only in consultation with your doctor.

Traditional methods of treating flat papillomas

Lubrication of tumors is very helpful earwax, apple cider vinegar, fresh lemon juice. To remove flat papilloma from a person, this treatment should be carried out every day 2-3 times for at least a week. To do this you need to use a sponge or a cotton swab. These products help dry out tumors, which eventually come away from the skin on their own.

Also very effective in the treatment of flat papillomas is the use of celandine juice, which must be squeezed out of the young leaves of the plant. A piece of gauze should be soaked in it and applied to problem areas for 10-15 minutes. To remove small flat papillomas, they can be fixed on top with adhesive tape. It is recommended to carry out this procedure 1-2 times every day.

Read about topical remedies for papillomas

Radical methods of combating flat papillomas

  1. One of the safest and most effective ways is to use laser to destroy tumors. They burn problem areas and dry flat papillomas with heat, after which they fall off on their own. The likelihood of scarring as a result of this procedure is minimal, as is the occurrence of bleeding or pain. The price of laser therapy in Russia is 2900 rubles, in Ukraine - 1300 hryvnia.
  2. An excellent replacement for laser therapy is cryodestruction flat papillomas, which involves freezing tumors with liquid nitrogen. They treat the desired areas, and 6 hours after that, small blisters form on them, which finally disappear after a week. In order for the damaged area to heal faster and not leave a crust in this place, it needs to be lubricated with iodine or brilliant green. The price of cryodestruction in Russia is 360 rubles, in Ukraine - 150 hryvnia. This method is also suitable for removing papilloma vulgaris.
  3. An alternative to cryodestruction can be the removal of flat papillomas through electrocoagulation, requiring the use of a knife with a loop instead of a blade. With its help, under local or general anesthesia, tumors are excised under the influence of electric current. This method is recommended primarily for owners of large growths. The price of electrocoagulation in Russia is 590 rubles, in Ukraine - 250 hryvnia.
  4. Another fairly popular way to eliminate flat papillomas is to remove them using radio wave scalpel. This technique is unique in that it requires a contact incision of tissues; their dissection is carried out under the influence of thermal energy. This eliminates the appearance of scars. The price of radio wave surgery in Russia reaches 1100-1600 rubles, in Ukraine - 450-700 hryvnia. Also suitable for the treatment of hanging papillomas.

What types of papillomas are there? Look at the video:


Since getting rid of flat papillomas is a rather serious process, you should consult a doctor before starting all procedures. The goal of treatment should be drying and self-removal of tumors; they should not be removed by force in order to avoid causing harm to oneself.