Trichloroacetic acid for cauterizing warts

The content of the article:
  1. Description of trichloroacetic acid
  2. Beneficial features
  3. Instructions for trichloroacetic acid
  4. Contraindications
  5. Results of use
  6. Reviews of trichloroacetic acid

Trichloroacetic acid is a substance obtained from the synthesis of chlorine and acetic acid. It has a cauterizing effect upon contact with the epidermis. Widely used in cosmetology as a chemical peeling agent, as well as in dermatology for the treatment of warts, papillomas and keloid scars.

Description of trichloroacetic acid

Wartner gel based on trichloroacetic acid

Trichloroacetic acid is hygroscopic, colorless crystals with a specific vinegar aroma. It is an analogue of acetic acid. In this case, 3 hydrogen atoms in the composition of trichloroacetic acid are replaced by chlorine atoms. The substance is highly soluble in water and is considered quite toxic.

This acid is easily absorbed through the skin and cauterizes the epidermis. This property is provided by the presence of chlorine atoms, which are involved in the process of releasing the proton, which has powerful acidic characteristics. Chlorine also promotes deep penetration of the substance through the fatty and protein barriers of the epidermis.

Depending on the amount of trichloroacetic acid in the water, the concentration of the solution may fluctuate. As a rule, less concentrated mixtures are used for cosmetic purposes - about 15-35%. For medical purposes, including the removal of warts, more concentrated solutions are used - from 80% and higher.

Trichloroacetic acid can be used to remove warts either in its pure form or in the form of pharmaceutical preparations based on it. A more preferable way to remove formations is with the use of pharmacological agents. They have an optimal concentration of the active ingredient and are safer to use at home.

Among the most popular drugs are Wartner gel based on trichloroacetic acid. It does not spread over the skin due to its thick consistency, which prevents the risk of chemical burns. The product has a convenient release form in the form of a pen applicator.

The price of Wartner gel with trichloroacetic acid is 500-700 rubles in Russia (250 hryvnia in Ukraine).

In addition, you can purchase this acid in various concentrations at the pharmacy and use it spot-on to remove warts.

The price of trichloroacetic acid is 1500-2000 rubles in Russia (300-450 hryvnia in Ukraine) per kilogram.

You can purchase this substance in pharmacies, professional cosmetics stores, as well as from suppliers of chemical reagents.

Note! Analogues of trichloroacetic acid for warts are various concentrated acids, for example, acetic, salicylic, retinoic. All these substances are chemically active and burn the skin, and with it the wart.

Beneficial properties of trichloroacetic acid for warts

Trichloroacetic acid is a powerful chemical that should be used with caution. If all safety rules are followed, this substance can have a positive effect on the epidermis and eliminate warts of various types.

Important! Most often, trichloroacetic acid is used to remove common and plantar benign tumors caused by the human papillomavirus.

The beneficial properties of trichloroacetic acid in the treatment of warts are as follows:

  1. Cleansing. The substance literally removes the top layer of skin along with new growths, making the epidermis smooth and clean.
  2. Regeneration. Under the influence of trichloroacetic acid, the proliferation of skin cells increases. This leads to an improvement in the barrier and regenerative abilities of the dermis.
  3. Stimulation. The product helps to dilate the blood vessels of the epidermis. This leads to improved metabolic processes and enhances natural collagen synthesis.

In addition, this acid has an antibacterial effect, destroys pathogenic microflora, and also relieves the inflammatory process caused by the development and growth of warts.

Using trichloroacetic acid to combat warts is quite convenient. First, it is relatively safe when used correctly and has no overall toxic effects on the body. Secondly, you can visually control the depth of penetration of the substance by the nature of the “frost”, which is a consequence of denaturation of the dermal protein, which manifests itself in the form of lightening of the surface of the epidermis. Thirdly, trichloroacetic acid distributes well over the skin and gives quick results with minimal preparation.

In addition, the product has an additional effect on the skin of the feet, removes calluses, corns and rough epidermis along with warts.

Instructions for trichloroacetic acid for warts

It is recommended to treat at home only plantar or vulgar (common) warts, which are localized on the feet and hands.

Regardless of whether you use a pure concentrated substance or a preparation based on it, use trichloroacetic acid according to the instructions:

  1. Clean the surface of the leather you plan to treat.
  2. Apply a drop of the substance directly to the neoplasm.
  3. Try to avoid spreading the product onto healthy epidermis. To avoid getting it on the skin, first cover the area around the wart with a thick layer of any fatty cream or Vaseline.
  4. Make sure that the entire surface of the tumor is covered with a thin layer of trichloroacetic acid.
  5. If the wart is large enough, add one or more drops of the substance.
  6. Wait for the product to dry completely.
  7. There is no need to remove any remaining substance from the wart; immediately after drying, you can get dressed and begin your daily activities.

It should be understood that warts will not disappear in one procedure. You need to repeat this manipulation for at least 4 days in a row. As a rule, the tumors will disappear within 10 days.

In the first 4 days of using trichloroacetic acid, the warts will gradually peel off along with the epidermis. You can gently facilitate this process by exposing your skin to running warm water from time to time. Do not peel off the crusts!

A few days after the start of treatment, a pinkish area of ​​healthy skin will appear at the site of the wart. Sometimes, as the tumor dies, it darkens. This is normal. The full course of skin restoration can last up to several weeks.

Note! If the tumor is located on a sensitive area of ​​the foot and it causes discomfort when moving, you should protect the skin with a bandage.

Contraindications to the use of trichloroacetic acid

Trichloroacetic acid is a fairly potent chemical. It should be handled with extreme caution so as not to harm the skin. In addition, it has a number of contraindications.

Let's look at them:

  1. Trichloroacetic acid should not be used on hypersensitive skin, or applied to the face or intimate area.
  2. Warts should not be treated with trichloroacetic acid if the skin area contains seborrheic keratosis, fibroids, moles, heavy pigmentation, and molluscum contagiosum.
  3. During pregnancy and lactation, trichloroacetic acid should not be used.
  4. Diabetes mellitus of both types is also a contraindication to the use of this substance.
  5. Warts should not be removed from children under 4 years of age.
Important! If there is the slightest doubt that the skin growth is a wart, the use of trichloroacetic acid must be agreed with a dermatologist.

Also, you should not combine this substance with other drugs to remove benign tumors.

If trichloroacetic acid gets on a healthy area of ​​skin, it should be removed immediately with plenty of running water.

Results of using trichloroacetic acid

In most cases, it is enough to apply the substance 4 times for the wart to begin to die and eventually disappear completely.

Visible results after using trichloroacetic acid usually occur within a week. If the wart is old or there are extensive skin lesions, then the course of treatment may need to be extended.

Trichloroacetic acid has a detrimental effect on the affected tissue, thus cleansing the epidermis of neoplasms. In addition, the substance eliminates the human papillomavirus, which prevents the spread of infection throughout the body and prevents warts from reoccurring.

Real reviews of trichloroacetic acid for warts

Trichloroacetic acid is a very effective wart remover. Many have managed to get rid of them at home almost painlessly and without a trace using this substance and products based on it. Reviews of trichloroacetic acid can be found on the Internet.

Olga, 32 years old

I have a tendency to form papillomas, spines, and warts. Appear quite often from early childhood. They pop up on the face, then in the armpits, then on the legs and arms. A couple of years ago I discovered an excellent, effective tool - the Werthner pencil. Since then it has always been in my makeup bag. The pencil is based on trichloroacetic acid. It is worth warning that this is a very strong substance and you need to be extremely careful with it! I was removing the first wart on my face and was very worried, afraid that there would be scars left. But everything worked out - she left within a week without a trace. Then growths appeared on the feet, and quite large ones - about a centimeter in diameter. I also started burning with Werthner. I used the gel 5 times and the wart began to dry out and peel off. The product itself also helped me cope with the nasty hanging papilloma in the armpit. In just a couple of days it dried out, darkened and fell off. I am very pleased with this pencil and recommend it to everyone!

Oksana, 37 years old

All our family members get warts from time to time. Last time, the child developed two painful warts on his foot. We bought Cryopharm-freeze. Sprayed it a few times and it seemed to go away. But Cryopharm did not help remove the wart on my husband’s hand at all. The pharmacy advised him to buy trichloroacetic acid. It is much cheaper and more effective. Gently drop a concentrated acid solution onto the affected areas with a pipette. The wart immediately turned white, the treatment area began to sting and burn slightly, but it was tolerable, according to the husband. Within 2 days the wart began to darken and dry out. After a week it completely disappeared, the skin began to cleanse and take on a healthy appearance. Now, if anyone in the family has warts, we immediately drip trichloroacetic acid and they disappear without a trace. Excellent, effective and inexpensive product!

Andrey, 25 years old

It’s not very pleasant when nasty things like warts or thorns appear on your body. These growths have popped up on my feet several times already. Sometimes they went away on their own, sometimes I went to the doctor to have them removed with nitrogen. And last time I decided to experiment with trichloroacetic acid. I read about it on the Internet and, for convenience, bought a Wartner applicator based on this substance. It is in the form of a gel and is a concentrate of trichloroacetic acid. Easily applied pointwise, directly to the wart. But you need to be careful not to burn the skin around it. With each application, the wart goes deeper into the skin and darkens. Obviously, this is how all the roots are burned inside. A week later there is no trace of this nasty thing. I was treated this way several times, and the warts always went away painlessly and without scars. True, this product is relatively expensive. You can try using regular trichloroacetic acid for warts, it is cheaper, although it is liquid. It can spread over the skin, and this can cause burns. Therefore, I prefer to overpay for the Wartner gel product.

  1. Read also reviews about the use of Collomak for papillomas

How to remove a wart - watch the video:

Trichloroacetic acid has proven itself in the treatment of warts caused by HPV. It eliminates not only the neoplasm itself, but also has a detrimental effect on the papilloma virus, preventing relapses. Can be used at home. However, it is important to follow safety rules when working with it - the substance can cause chemical burns!

Other preparations for removing warts and papillomas: Solcoderm solution and Superclean