Pneumo- and Pneumato- are prefixes derived from the Greek word “pneuma”, which means “air”. They are used in various fields of science and technology to refer to processes or devices involving air, gas or pneumatics.
Pneumatics is a branch of mechanics that studies the movement of gases and liquids under the influence of pressure. Pneumatic systems are widely used in industry, construction, medicine and other fields. They allow you to create mechanisms that operate on the basis of compressed air or gas, such as pneumatic tools, valves, pumps, compressors, etc.
There is also pneumatic communication, which is used to transmit information or control over a distance. It is based on the use of compressed air to create signals and transmit them over long distances. Pneumatic devices are widely used in automatic control systems, robotics, aviation and other industries.
However, it is worth noting that the use of the term “pneumatics” can cause some difficulties, since it may be mistakenly perceived as referring to physics rather than engineering. Therefore, in scientific and technical texts, it is recommended to use more precise terms such as “pneumatic systems” or “pneumatic mechanisms”.