Expiration of Seed

Semen leakage is a physiological process during which a man releases sperm from his testicles and vas deferens into the urethra for subsequent copulation. However, in some men this process may occur inappropriately often or be accompanied by unpleasant sensations. In such a situation, it is important to consult a sexologist who will conduct the necessary examinations and prescribe appropriate treatment. Also in the article we will consider other factors that can lead to the pathological process of sperm expiration.

Spermotarea is the involuntary and very rapid release of sperm from the bladder or urethra. This process often occurs during masturbation or sexual intercourse, and can be caused by prolonged sexual intercourse, alcohol abuse, or taking certain medications. Often, to eliminate this problem, it is enough to reduce the intensity of sexual contacts or stop taking appropriate medications.

However, if the situation does not improve or you cannot get rid of spermotorrhea on your own, you should consult a doctor. Most likely, this condition is caused by changes in the anatomy of the genital organs or diseases, so an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment are needed. It usually includes conservative methods (drug therapy, exercise therapy), as well as surgical intervention, if necessary.