Face on the Wall

The Face on the Wall: The Story of the Ghost Game

Ghost games have always been popular among children, and one of the most exciting games is Ghost Face. It may seem simple, but in fact, it can be a real challenge for your imagination.

It all started with the words of our neighbors who told us about this game. They said that you need to cut out eyes, a nose and lips on a piece of paper, then shine a flashlight on it and see how a scary face appears on the wall. We decided to try this game and were amazed by the result.

As soon as we illuminated the sheet of paper, a face appeared on the wall that seemed alive. We named him "Charlie" and started thinking about what kind of story we could come up with for him. He looked like an angry old grandfather who lived in our basement. We told each other scary stories about him, and it was very exciting.

The next evening we decided to create another face. This time we named him "Emily". She was a young girl who lived in the same house as Charlie. But when we illuminated both faces on the wall, we realized that they could engage in interesting dialogues.

Charlie and Emily started talking to each other and we made up their story. They were neighbors but had not spoken to each other for many years. Charlie was a poor old man who hated everyone who lived around him. Emily, on the contrary, was a young and beautiful girl who dreamed of leaving this place and starting a new life.

We continued to play Ghostface every night, creating new characters and their stories. The game became our common tradition, which helped us spend fun nights together.

Ultimately, we realized that ghost games are not only fun, but can also help develop our imagination and creativity. They allow us to bring our ideas to life and create our own worlds. If you haven't played Ghostface yet, we highly recommend you try this fun activity and create your own stories for the characters you create.