Is it far?

While walking with your child, select some object not far from you, for example, a fire escape on a house, and count how many steps there are to it. Then choose something else. Compare how different the distance to both objects is, measured in steps.

Try to estimate with your child how many steps it will take to approach some close object. For example, it took you twenty steps to get to the mailbox, but now guess what, it will take more or fewer steps to get to the sandbox.

You can walk to a place with normal steps, then turn around and see how many fewer steps it takes you if you walk back with giant steps.

Measuring the distance

If you have older children around, take a tape measure with you and show them what a distance of a centimeter, a meter, ten meters looks like. Measure this distance by determining how many steps you need to take to walk one meter. Measure some distances in steps and then do it again with a tape measure to check how accurate you were.