Lovage officinalis.

Lovage officinalis: description, culinary and medical uses

Lovage is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Apiaceae family. It grows up to two meters in height, has multi-headed fleshy roots and erect branched stems. The leaves are large, double- and triple-pinnate, dark green and shiny on top. The flowers are small, yellow-green, collected in a complex umbrella at the end of the branch, and the fruit is a yellow-brown two-seed, ripens in August - September. Lovage grows in the mountainous regions of Southern Europe and grows well in Ukraine, the Urals, in the middle zone and northern regions of Russia. It is cold-resistant and is cultivated in garden plots.

Lovage is widely used in cooking and perfumery. Fresh stems, leaves and roots are used to flavor confectionery products and marinades, and are also an integral part of salads. The leaves are used as a seasoning for cheeses, soups, meat, fish and vegetable dishes. The whole plant has a specific smell, reminiscent of celery, and a pungent, salty-bitter taste.

The medicinal raw materials are the roots, grass and fruits of lovage. The roots are harvested in the fall, washed in cold water, cut into pieces, dried in the shade and dried in the oven at a temperature of 25-30°C. The leaves, along with petioles and flowering shoots, are dried outdoors in the shade or in a well-ventilated area. Rhizomes and fruits are stored in a closed wooden or glass container for 2 years, leaves - 1 year.

The chemical composition of lovage has not been studied enough. All parts of the plant contain essential oil, which consists mainly of terpineol, cineole, carvacrol, sesqui-terpenes, as well as acetic, isovaleric, butyric and benzoic acids. Furocoumarins (psoralen and bergapten), lecithin, resins and gum were found in the roots.

Infusion and decoction of lovage have a diuretic, choleretic and expectorant effect. They increase appetite, improve digestion and reduce flatulence. Lovage preparations are taken for swelling of the heart and kidneys, chronic bronchitis and cough, cholelithiasis, menstrual irregularities in women, as well as for neuroses and insomnia.

However, it should be noted that the use of lovage for medicinal purposes should be agreed with a doctor, as some components of the plant can cause unwanted side effects, such as photodermatitis.

It is also worth considering that lovage is a strong allergen and can cause allergic reactions in sensitive people.

Overall, Lovage is an interesting plant that has both culinary and medicinal uses. However, before using for medical purposes, you should consult your doctor and follow the recommended dosage.