Sex In Dreams Is A Disease

Sleep is a mysterious and still not fully understood state of the human soul and body. During sleep, we perform many actions that seem real to us, but in fact occur only in our imagination. However, there are people who have sex in their sleep. This phenomenon, known as sleep sex, can lead to serious problems for those who suffer from the disorder.

One of the cases, described by Dr Peter Buchanan of the Royal Alfred Hospital in Sydney, talks about a woman who suffered from sleepwalking and had sex with complete strangers while in a somnambulant state. Her regular partner found used condoms in different parts of the house, but the woman could not explain her behavior. Dr. Buchanan, after a full examination of the patient, came to the conclusion that she suffered from a rare disorder - “sex in dreams.”

In order to have sex in your sleep, you need to wait until the deepest stage of sleep, when the eyes begin to move quickly - the rapid eye movement phase (REM-sleep). In this state, the muscles do not relax, which is why those who suffer from “dream sex” do what they see in their dreams. This condition can occur as a result of alcohol abuse or after severe stress, and may also have a genetic predisposition.

However, "sleep sex" can lead to serious problems, as in the case of Dr. Buchanan's patient described above. People suffering from this disorder may engage in actions that can cause harm not only to themselves, but also to others. For example, English jurisprudence knows a case where a man hit his girlfriend on the head with a video recorder, because this is what he dreamed of and this was his usual form of behavior.

The condition of “sex in a dream” is treated with sleeping pills or medications that reduce muscle tone. In addition, Dr. Buchanan claims that he weaned his patient from having sex in her sleep with strangers through psychotherapy.

In conclusion, sleep sex is a rare disorder that can lead to serious problems for those who suffer from this condition. If you notice this behavior in yourself or your partner, you should see a doctor to get help and appropriate treatment. It is important to understand that this is not normal behavior and can cause harm to both the person and others.