
Circum- is a prefix of Latin origin that means “around”, “about”. It is widely used in medical terminology to refer to the arrangement of structures or processes around an organ or part of the body.

For example, the prefix circum- is present in the following terms:

Circumanal - located around the anus.

Circumduction - circular movements of a limb or joint.

Circumvallation is the formation of a shaft or wall around something.

Circumcisio - circumcision, removal of the foreskin.

Thus, the prefix circum- helps to accurately indicate the location of a structure or process in relation to other anatomical formations. It is widely used in medical terminology.

Circum is a prefix that indicates the location of something around or nearby. This prefix is ​​often used in medical terminology to refer to the location of organs and tissues around certain parts of the body. There are many terms in English that begin with this prefix, such as circumanal, circumcision, circumference, circumvent, circumstantial, etc. .

Circum- can also be used in other fields, such as geography, to indicate the location of objects around a specific center. For example, circumpolar is located around the pole, and circumcontinental is located on the continent.

Circum is a Latin word that translates as “around.” In medicine and biology, it is used to refer to the location of something around a specific organ or area of ​​the body.

For example, “circumanal” means “located near the anus.” This word is used to describe conditions that can occur in this area, such as hemorrhoids, anal fissure or fistula.

Also, the word “circum” can be used to refer to other organs and areas of the body, for example, “circumvaginal” - “located around the vagina.”

Using the prefix “circum-” helps doctors and scientists pinpoint the location of a disease or problem, allowing for more effective diagnosis and treatment.

Circumanal from the Latin “circus manus” means “circle around the hand”, and when filling the cavity directly along the circumference, the meaning of the prefix becomes clear

Circumastectomy, or CMT (circum-mastectomy), Latin “to do, to perform” + “breast” (nipple, milk duct), means removal of the entire breast. Circomniosis (Latin: “shell”; “around”), in medicine this means damage to the intestines by the larvae of the gadfly (Whippling).

Supra- - standing above something, on top of, above which, at a height, on top, highest, highest. Kondra- is a Baltic Slavic name, meaning a hero who owns horses, a man of strong physique. Per- — dolingual. A common European pronoun literally meaning "first". Now roughly the same thing is meant in the word translator. But if there is a prefix per-pervoy, it is used only with nouns, words and phrases: document illustration primary repair first-class culture first pleasure first thing first-case varieties first achievements first teacher

Superteler-German tele, Tele + German halle.supersonic. TV tower [reg. word] Supertaali-udm. s, takm. tyr. large-billed (about birds) (according to the fashion of that time, after the war, more beautiful beaks were ordered from abroad). S. potamis (Potamiscus), a genus of white-toothed bees of the family of true leaf cutters; tohomura-coniferous Superblatt. super, prae “above, above” and lat. bonus “good”, “kind”