When can you do without insulin?

When Can You Do Without Insulin?

Diabetes mellitus is a serious disease that requires constant monitoring and treatment. In type 1 diabetes and some cases of type 2 diabetes, insulin injections are an integral part of treatment. Insulin is needed to help maintain normal blood sugar levels, which can be disrupted in diabetes.

For people with type 1 diabetes, insulin is vital. These people must inject insulin several times a day every day to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Alas, scientists have not yet learned how to produce insulin in forms other than injections. This means that people with type 1 diabetes must endure endless injections, which can be psychologically difficult, especially for children.

But insulin injections may also be necessary for type 2 diabetes. This can happen if diet, exercise and glucose-lowering pills do not help achieve the desired results. In addition, insulin can be prescribed in the presence of serious disorders in the functioning of the kidneys or liver, as well as in various conditions that require temporary transfer of patients with type 2 diabetes to insulin. For example, before surgery, in case of severe acute diseases or exacerbations of chronic diseases, purulent skin lesions, and so on.

It is important to note that women who have “gestational diabetes” during pregnancy may also be prescribed insulin. This is because high blood sugar can harm both mother and baby.

In conclusion, insulin injections may be necessary for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, as well as in a number of other cases. Although insulin injections can be difficult to tolerate, they are vital for controlling your blood sugar and staying healthy. If you have diabetes, be sure to talk to your doctor about prescribing insulin and other treatments.