Pillow Friend

Pillow Friend: Making Your Own Toy

Homemade toys have a special meaning for children. They become not only objects of the game, but also friends who can be with them always and everywhere. In this article we will show how you can create a wonderful toy from an old pillow and pillowcase that will become a real friend for your child.

Step 1: Preparing materials

To create the toy you will need an old pillow and pillowcase. You can use any size and shape depending on what kind of toy you want to create. You will also need rope or any other material to tie the pillow in the middle. Attach ribbons or ribbons to the top of the pillow to create hair. And of course, you will need markers or pieces of fabric to draw or cut out a face for your toy.

Step 2: Dress up our toy

Dressing a toy is an important step in creating its image. You can use any materials you find around your home. For example, old panties, shirts or pieces of fabric. Try to create an image that reflects the personality of your toy. You can create a romantic look or dress the toy in bright colors to make it look fun and friendly.

Step 3: Create a still life

A cloudy day is a great time to conduct a photography lesson with your child. Encourage your child to collect their favorite things and arrange them in a still life. You can ask your child to create fun compositions with these items and help him choose the best angle for shooting. Use a Polaroid or regular camera to take pictures. When your photos are ready, don't forget to date them and save them for future memories.

Step 4: Have fun

Making your own toys is a great way to spend time with your child and have a lot of fun. Don't be afraid to experiment and bring your ideas to life. Do-it-yourself toys will become not only good friends for children, but also cherished memories for a lifetime.