Tips for Parents - What to Name a Child?

All the troubles, worries and suffering associated with the birth of your child are behind you. Question number one: what name should I give my child? What should you consider when choosing a name? Beautiful sounding? In memory of a friend? The desire to perpetuate the name of a close relative? Fashion? Whatever your motives, try, first of all, to take care of the happy fate of your child, which to a large extent depends on how his name will be combined with his patronymic.

There are no instructions for this. The calendars that existed in the past simplified this procedure, but they have outlived their usefulness. You have freedom of choice. And yet, Higir advises to proceed from criteria common to all names. What are they?

It is better if the name is easy to pronounce and remember both on its own and with the patronymic. A name that is difficult to pronounce becomes a hindrance in communication, causing tension in the one who is addressing, and awkwardness in the one being addressed.

It is advisable that the name does not complicate the formation of affectionate forms (Sanechka, Vasyutochka, Alinushka, etc.). This makes it possible to convey various nuances of attitude towards a person.

The name should make it easy to form a patronymic, otherwise it will bring suffering to your grown-up grandson.

It is very important that the name sounds soft and easy, for example: Alexander Vladimirovich, Alexey Mikhailovich. Say these combinations out loud, and you will immediately feel the difference with others: Stepan Igorevich, Dmitry Stanislavovich.

A harmonious sound occurs if the stress in the name and patronymic falls on the same number of syllables. It is desirable that a beautiful sound sequence be obtained; in other words, so that at the junction of the name and patronymic there is no accumulation of consonant or vowel sounds.

In no case should you call your son after your father, for example: Alexander Alexandrovich, Nikolai Nikolaevich, etc. You should not name your daughters after your mother. This gives the child’s character instability, increased emotionality, and excessive irritability. This is explained by the fact that the child already inherits a lot from his parents, and it’s good if he has the best qualities, but more often the opposite happens. Repeating the parent's name contributes to the development of negative qualities.

You should not name a child in honor of deceased loved ones, for example, a brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, so as not to subject a repetition of unwanted collisions to deceased relatives.

Choosing a name is a very responsible matter. It largely determines the fate of the born person. It largely depends on her parents to keep her happy.