
Varicose veins translated from Latin means “expansion”. Varicose veins appear as bluish veins on the legs, while more dilated veins look like thick purple cords, sometimes as thick as a finger. Spider veins are tiny, swollen veins on the thighs. They are completely harmless, but they spoil the appearance. Mostly dilated veins occur on the legs and anus (hemorrhoids).


Varicose veins are the result of weakening of the venous valves, as a result of which the blood begins to sink down, stagnates and causes stretching of the vein walls.

I believe that one of the main causes of varicose veins is portal hypertension due to liver contamination. To a large extent, the development of this disease is influenced by a sedentary lifestyle (veins in the legs can only work normally when moving) and general slagging of the body (due to toxins, the walls of the veins become weak).

Obese women (they have reduced fluid circulation in the body), women with frequent and multiple pregnancies (affected by load, hormonal changes) are more predisposed to varicose veins.

Other causes of varicose veins include prolonged exposure to the sun, use of birth control pills, and standing on your feet for 6 hours or more daily.

It is believed that the structural features of the venous valve and venous walls are inherited, especially if children lead the same lifestyle as their sick parents.


Varicose veins manifest as muscle cramps during sleep, swollen calves, pain or fatigue in the legs, itching and peeling of the skin of the legs (caused by a lack of oxygen). Severe cases of varicose veins include swelling of the legs, ulcers and bleeding.

Varicose veins do not disappear on their own. They usually increase in size, affecting more and more areas of the veins. The rate of progression depends on the degree of internal purity of the body, the presence of portal hypertension, heredity, lifestyle, body weight and the number of pregnancies.


Bringing internal cleanliness to the body, eliminating portal hypertension, cleansing the field form of life, proper nutrition and an active lifestyle - these are the main things in the treatment of varicose veins. To speed up the result, you need to fast from 7 to 14 days and read figurative and volitional moods for the improvement of veins and legs.


Maintain a normal body weight and lead an active lifestyle.

Don't sit or stand still for long periods of time. Be sure to visit. Walking effectively improves blood circulation in the legs.

It is harmful to sit cross-legged - the outflow of venous blood sharply worsens. Do not wear tight garters or belts - they inhibit the outflow of venous blood. Wear loose underwear.

To encourage blood flow, keep your legs elevated.

Avoid alcohol, don't smoke, and don't take birth control pills. Increased estrogen levels during pregnancy, birth control pills, and menstruation can worsen varicose veins.

Eat vegetables, sprouted grain bread, and whole grains. Drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices.

Wear special elastic stockings. They put pressure on the walls of the veins, and blood from the superficial varicose veins returns to the bloodstream.

Varicose veins are a common pathology that leads to a change in direction and bending of the vein trunk by a different amount under the influence of the underlying disease. Varicose veins under the influence of various provoking factors can be isolated and secondary. The term “varicose veins” is understood as chronic venous insufficiency

Varicose veins are a complex disease that manifests itself as dilation of small vessels. The development of the disease is caused by excessive load on the venous system, insufficient blood supply, and poor nutrition. Often, pathology can manifest itself in the saphenous veins and pelvic veins. Mostly superficial and deep veins are affected. This phenomenon is especially common in older people and women over 45 years of age. In addition, the syndrome often occurs in men.

Moreover, you need to seek help even with symptoms such as: * itching sensation; * uncharacteristic discharge; * redness of the skin; * burning; * swelling. Cured varicose veins do not make themselves felt for a long time. But if you do not pay attention to the problem, thrombosis may develop. Zaku symptoms