Fireweed Narrow-Leafed, Or Ivan-Chai.

A perennial plant of the fireweed family, up to 150 cm high. The rhizome is highly developed. The stem is erect. The leaves are alternate, lanceolate, acute, dark green. Blooms in June - August. Propagated by rhizomes and seeds.

Angustifolia fireweed is distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Russia. It grows abundantly in burnt areas, forest clearings, embankments and along roads.

After processing, the stems are woven into ropes and made into fabrics. The wood is used to make insulating tiles. Young rhizomes are sweet and can be eaten raw or cooked. Young leaves and shoots are added to soups and salads.

Dried roots are used to make flour for baking dietary bread and pancakes. The roasted roots are used to make coffee. Aromatic “Koporo” tea is prepared from the leaves.

It is a good honey plant.

Leaves and flowers serve as medicinal raw materials. Raw materials are collected in July - September. Scatter in the shade in a layer of no more than 5 cm, dry for 1 day, twist with your palms until the juice comes out, then lay out on a baking sheet, cover with a wet cloth, keep for 6-10 hours at a temperature of 25°C and dry for 40 minutes in an oven or oven at a temperature of 100°C. Store in a well-closed wooden or glass container for 2 years.

To brew tea, the leaves are placed in a hot porcelain teapot, poured over with boiling water, drained and immediately refilled. To preserve heat, cover the kettle with a napkin for 5 minutes. Koporye tea has a beneficial effect on insomnia and headaches, and normalizes intestinal activity.

The leaves contain vitamin C, carotene, tannins, mucilage, coumarins, flavone and anthocyanin compounds and alkaloids. All parts of the plant contain a lot of iron, manganese and other trace elements.

Fireweed infusion has anti-inflammatory, enveloping, analgesic, sedative and anticonvulsant effects. It is useful for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, as it reduces pain and normalizes the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

To prepare the infusion, pour 3 tablespoons of crushed leaves into 1 glass of hot water, boil over low heat for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature, filter and bring the volume to the original volume. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day with meals. The same infusion is suitable for external use.