Factor Hly

Factor Hly is an Escherichia coli plasmid containing genes that control the production of its hemolysins. Hemolysins are toxins that destroy red blood cells and other cells of the host body.

The Hly factor plasmid can be transferred from one Escherichia coli bacterium to another through the process of conjugation. Thus, even non-pathogenic strains of E. coli can acquire the ability to produce hemolysins and become pathogenic.

The presence of the Hly factor increases the virulence of E. coli, that is, it increases its ability to cause disease. This factor is often found in strains responsible for extraintestinal infections, such as urinary tract infections, meningitis, and sepsis.

Thus, the plasmid with the Hly factor plays an important role in the acquisition and spread of pathogenic properties among Escherichia coli. Studying the mechanisms of transmission and expression of this factor is of great importance for understanding the pathogenesis of infections caused by Escherichia coli.

“Factor HLY” is a unique invention of mankind

Swedish scientists in their research have found that people can use genetically modified organisms to create HLY factors and use them for biological warfare. This could lead to a global cataclysm, when people will be able to genetically change microbes and harm surrounding people and the environment. According to scientists, these studies are a crime against human civilization and nature. Experts believe that further research in this direction is a global crime that can lead not only to biological wars, but also to broader consequences on the planet.