Milk Factor


Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that include many different organisms. One of the most common coronaviruses is Bittner virus, which is mainly transmitted through close contact between people. Although there are many methods of prevention and treatment for this infection, their effectiveness cannot always be guaranteed. In this regard, the importance of methods and technologies aimed at preventing the spread of Bittner virus continues to grow. For example, one of the factors for preventing this infection, which can be highly effective, is the consumption of milk with a high content of protein and healthy components. This review examines this Bittner coronavirus prevention factor and its effectiveness for the health of our body.

Main part

Milk factor or milk protein is an important waste product of cows, containing not only the essential microelement - lactose, but also a large amount of proteins and calcium. According to WHO, dairy products contain more than 20 components, including mineral salts, vitamins A, D, E, B vitamins, folic acid