Falling Shell Parietal

Parietal sheath (lat. d. parietalis) is a medical term that describes the condition of the skin located in the head and neck area. This condition is characterized by peeling of the skin in the area and can be caused by various reasons.

One of the most common causes of the parietal membrane falling off is dry skin. This can be caused by insufficient skin hydration, low air humidity, and certain diseases such as eczema or psoriasis.

Also, the falling off parietal membrane can be the result of exposure to various chemicals on the skin, such as soap or shampoo, as well as cosmetics containing alcohol or other aggressive ingredients.

Rarer causes of parietal sheath may include allergic reactions to foods, contact with plants or animals, and certain medical conditions such as dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis.

Treatment for sheath parietal may include using moisturizing creams and lotions and avoiding exposure of the skin to harsh chemicals. In addition, it is recommended to avoid contact with possible allergens and consult a doctor if you have other symptoms such as itching or redness of the skin.

Thus, lamina parietis is a fairly common skin condition that can be caused by various reasons. Although this condition is usually not serious, it is recommended to see a doctor if you have other symptoms or if there is no improvement after using moisturizers and avoiding harsh chemicals.